NCNW's Eight State/All State Leaders Voter Registration Event Resources

Please see the website links and QR Codes for your voter registration events.

To use the URLs:

1. Copy the URLs into your web browser

2. Once you paste the URL into your web browser you should immediately see the webpage appear

3. Keep the tab open on the device at your event so the webpage can be viewed and completed at your event

4. Please repeat this for all four URLs Registration Link

Vote. org Voting Registration Verification Link

Vote. org Request Absentee Link Ballot Tool Link

Scan the QR code to register to VOTE.

Scan the QR code to verify your voter registration.

Scan the QR code to request an Absentee Ballot.

Scan the QR code and enter your informationn to get a preview of who and what will be on your ballot in your upcoming elections.


A Taste of Africa The Virtual Event